Monday, February 8, 2010

I am BROKE!!!!

I am broke...
I have no pound anymore in my purse....
11.47pound in my debit card + 10pound in my saving and zero in my hand....

Let me story what happen today.....
After lectures, me and my housemate went straight to the house agent for our payment. We met '2 ekor b***' @ 'dugong' @ 'deborah' @ 'anna' (her name i susun according to sejarah name yg kitorang kasi utk dia). Surprisingly, she was smiling....=) hohoho... bkn senang nak tengok dia smile ok.. Before this, everytime we went to her office, she never smile, explain pon macam nak taknak je. But then, today mentang-mentang laa nak dpt duit... Senyum pulak die.. aiyak!!!

Duit yg melayang menjadi milik org lain....

Hari ini GBP2160 equal to MYR11616.04 telah terbang ke tangan house agent whitegates.
"Total duit ni boleh dpt kereta kancil sebijik cash!!!" (Tie,2010)
BetuL!!! setuju!!! Sokong!!! menggigil tangan pegang duit byk tu.
Not once in my life I withdrew GBP400 cash. GEDEBUK!!! on my palm. But today I DID!!!! Kaye kejap... lepas tu broke. I spent GBP370 as for my part for the house' and GBP33 goes to diLLa coz i owed her. then GBP-3 goes tu me... itu pon 3pound korek dalam purse. Luckily ade kalau tak still hutang dilla 3pound, xpown kene withdraw lagi 3pound from debit menjadikan jumlah duit dlm debit 8.47 pound...uwaaaa!!!

Like before in Malaysia, boley laa nak call babah and mintak top up...
Sekarang nak mintak???? Haa!! botak laa kepala die... nk tumbuk rambut baru memang takkan tumbuh daa tuh... makin kurang lagi ade...
Nak buat loan??? tanya diri sendiri waras ke tak???
Nak keje??? Nak!!!
The only solution yg sememangnye tegarrrrr adalah, just wait for our scholarship... KPM please... we need money!!! everybody dah merangkak-rangkak dah ni....sob3~

Again about that money, we suffered a lot to collect GBP2160... Pinjam sane pinjam sini br dpt total tu... Thanks to friends who are very helpful and understanding. Even diorang pon same sengkek macam kitorang tp dgn baek hati, perihatin dan pasrah nyer diorang kasi pinjam duit-duit diorang utk kitorang. Sebak kot aku. huhuhu~

OK, enough about money. Sensitive issue to talk right now.

Kesimpulan yg dpt disimpulkan:

"The sum of all the money did not equal the hardship we went through lately."


  1. banyaknye duit korang.. sorang ada £400 kira gempak laa tu!!

  2. aa.. lepas tu gempak gile.. dalam bank aku tggal 8 pound je...kt tangan ade 15... uwuwuwuw

  3. haih.kenapa harus mention nama saya itewww...malu sudah!*blush2*
    tidak mengapa ika.saya juga miskin gile2 T_T
    pengajaran: tgn yg mmberi lebih baik dari menerima.tgn kanan menghulur,tgn kiri tak tau..*apekah???*

  4. tgn kiri mencebok~
    duit tade tape... yg penting kite bersyukur... insyaalah rezeki ade kat mane2....^_~
